• Basic Medical Science: The subject covers topics related to basic medical science with a review of Anatomy & and Physiology.
The subject will enable the student to develop a concept about different basic medical sciences and their application in various fields.
• General Bio–Mechanics: The subject covers the understanding of Biomechanics and kinesiology of body movement.
The subject will enable the student to acquire in-depth knowledge in understanding biomechanics and kinesiology.
• Exercise Physiology: This subject aims to deliver knowledge on scientifically based standards on exercise and its effects on various systems of the body.
This subject should deliver the concepts in exercise physiology, and prepare students to test and prescribe suitable exercises to different groups of the population and conditions.
- Research Methodology
- Biostatistics & Evidence-Based Practice
• The subject covers the concept of research mathiningy Evidence based practice and biostatistics related to physical therapy
The subject aims to introduce the principles of research and analysing the research studies using Biostatistics.
Descriptive and Inferential statistics, Types of data: Qualitative and Quantitative, Parametric and Non-Parametric tests, which tests to use:
• Practical ll: General Biomechanics: This involves the application of topics via demonstrations, field visits, and case presentations.
• Practical lll: Exercise Physiology: The student will undergo laboratory and on-field training in Exercise physiology.
• Clinics & Seminars Presentations: These will serve as a platform for students to integrate various component management. Students will give presentations on topics provided to them. Students will engage in the clinical Physiotherapy Department to enhance their clinical skills and apply theoretical knowledge gained during teaching sessions.
Advances in Physiotherapy Assessment: The subject covers topics related to physiotherapy assessment, clinical diagnostic procedure, interpretation, measurement in diagnosing different.
Elective – 1: (Orthopaedic Disorders: Medical & Surgical Management): The subject covers topics related to abology, clinical manifestation, medical and surgical management of orthopaedic disorders & trauma..
On completion of the course the student should be able to understand the dynamics of teaching & learning, plan effective teaching sessions in physiotherapy:
The program is designed to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills in orthopedic physiotherapy, allowing them to work effectively with patients suffering from a wide range of orthopedic conditions and injuries.